
Although most Nuthatch species have a black cap, this one has none. This peculiar bird has instead dark curly hair that either consumes the silhouette of the head, or is bound back in a pony tail. Blue glasses and fancy socks are some key identifications. This species makes a jovial hahaha call. You may hear this bird before you see it, as it is constantly in motion.


Strangely enough, this bird neither flies or hops down tree trunks upside down (as is common among the Nuthatch). Instead, this bird is found upright, scavenging for food and some sort of project to keep it busy. This is a very active bird and it is constantly sourcing visual material to admire, collect, or use in a project.


This bird’s diet consists of anything visually pleasing. This can range from random magazines to a freshly snow covered backyard. Some of this bird’s choice selections are anything gold and shiny, surreal landscapes and characters, and the simple complexity of natural objects. At bird feeders they drink tea and coffee and nibble on the provided seeds.